GAIA - 2018
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • ANR project MSDOS (Multidimensional System: Digression on Stability, coordinator: Nima Yeganefar (Poitiers University), 2014-2018) aimed at studying stability and stabilization problems for multidimensional systems by means of both analytic and algebraic methods. For more information, see https://www.lias-lab.fr/msdos/doku.php.

  • ANR TurboTouch (High-performance touch interactions, coordinator: G. Casiez (MJOLNIR team, Inria), 2014–2019) develops methods and tools on transfer functions to allow high performance tactile interactions (e.g. high precision and low latency) adapted to the user and to the task. This research project is developed in collaboration with the Loki team, Inria Lille – Nord Europe (project leader). For more information, seehttp://mjolnir.lille.inria.fr/turbotouch/.

  • ANR WaQMoS (Coastal waters Quality surveillance using bivalve Mollusk-based Sensors, coordinator: D. Efimov (Non-A Post, Inria), 2015–2020) develops a biosensor, based on measurements and interpretation of bi- valves mollusks behavior, for remote online detection of coastal water pollution and cli- mate change consequences. This research project is developed in collaboration with the Valse team, Inria Lille – Nord Europe (project leader). For more information, see https://team.inria.fr/non-a/anr-waqmos/.